I spotted this spider from my kitchen window, it's made a large web covering the whole of the door to my shed, I couldn't resist grabbing my camera and taking some shots.
Not to everyones taste I know, but as it's starting to get colder they are moving closer and closer to the house and in the right light you can see thousands of webs spanning from the trees to me gutters and we have had some beauties running through the living room.
I'm collecting icons so don't forget to follow my blog through the link in the side bar, cheers ;).
Photos taken with a Nikon D70 + 28-100mm & + 4 macro adaptor.
Yes, it is that time of year here too. The spiders are very busy weaving those webs and storing up for the winter.
ReplyDeleteI wish I had a macro that worked that well. Great photos.
We are going to get spoiled to a weekday photo display if you aren't careful.
Cracking shots there matey. Makes me want to start Macro-ing again. Nasty looking beastie though ain't he:-)
ReplyDeleteExcellent! Especially the 1st with the web is stunning!
ReplyDeleteCheers, Klaus
Wow..that is "one up close and personal" spider series! I can't believe I can see every hair on its legs and the eyes and every other detail! Wow!
ReplyDeleteYep. I got one or had one, actually two, of those guarding my tomatoes but I think the cold weather did them in as they have disappeared.
ReplyDeleteYour photographs of them are very nice and well done.
These are absolutely amazing shots but this is also gross. LOL! I've seen more spiders too, especially when I go to Descanso Gardens. You really have to be careful where you walk because the webs are EVERYWHERE and they're not little. Again, these shots are amazing!
ReplyDeleteBrilliant shots Mike!! :)
ReplyDeleteExcellent close-ups that are nice and sharp. Blue Skies.
ReplyDeleteNicely captured. Crisp and sharp.
ReplyDeleteBlog is looking great!! What template / color scheme / whatever are you using??
Thanks for the link in the side bar!
Hi Mike, a very cool blog you have here, I just stopped by from Mary's place. I'll have to add you to my reader.
Thanks everyone, spiders aren't the best things to look at, but can make for some nice shots, cheers.
ReplyDeleteHi Mike,
ReplyDeleteFantastic photos there. They aren't for everyone though!
Have a good weekend,
These pictures are fascinating, the web as much as the spiders. I am not a fan of spiders, but I am of design and in that interest the closeups in your photos are amazing!