Today was no different plenty of waders most of which where way out on a sand patch, but with the tide coming in fast these where soon pushed inland.
The 1st picture is a Curlew, this one flew straight past me as I was trying to sneak up to a group of Redshank at the waters edge.

2nd pictures shows a pair of Curlew and some Oyster catchers, these where plentiful, long orange beaks wherever I looked.

I had tried to sneak across some big boulders which formed the water breaker by the car park because I could see Redshanks, Lapwings, Curlews and an Eider duck in the sea at the end of the boulders quite a way out.
Being 6'2" sneaking and stalking doesn't come naturally, but I got as close as I could and got the shot below, the shot that follows that shows what happened when I stood up too high.

If this isn't a Skylark please leave a comment with your suggestion.

Beautiful pictures. I've never seen a skylark before, but after doing some googling, I think you've nailed it. Very striking bird!