Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Something different

My nuts have been disappearing over the past few nights, so I thought I would check out what was happening, here's the culprit.

I think we may see a bit more of this little chap over the coming nights. This is in my shed by the way..

Hope you like..


  1. LOL!! What a cute little creature! I'm glad that you were able to catch it on video. It was fun to watch it in action!

  2. Oh my god! now I won't be able to sleep tonight thinking about it's little white devil eyes in the dark! Make sure your nuts are safe tonight, you don't want those teeth anywhere near them! Eghh!

  3. Oh dear!!! Now I've found another blog that I won't be able to resist!! Mike your photography is stunning...I like everything about your blog. I found you from Mary's "Faith, Fabric, and Photos". I'll be back!

  4. Good video! Cute but spooky with the white eyes! Hope he doesn't get all the nuts.

  5. What kind of rat is this? You need a good owl out prowling for this fellow.

  6. Glad you caught him. Great action and a fun video.

  7. Mike, I have the same thing happening in my shed, a colony of woodmice have moved in. They steal the sunflower hearts and cache them away in the plant pots. Nice little chaps though!

  8. Thanks everyone, they are nice to watch just a pain when they nibble through everything.

  9. The video is really cute and it gives the little mouse such a personal introduction. Did it come really close to your hand? It looks much more softer than a porcupine.

  10. Hi Mike, great mouse movie, they are just so cute but I guess you have to luv em to put up with them in your roof space! Thanks for the comment on my blog. You might be interested to know that most of my butterfly shots are taken with a Canon 300mm F4 with a 1.4 converter. I've just found this lens to be superb and with a close focus of around 5ft very versatile.
