Thursday, 29 November 2007


Whenever I go out I generally aim to get at least a few good shots and generally take a couple of hundred, the beauty of digital photography.

Birds in flight is something I find very difficult and the smaller the birds the faster they are and they never stay still, more importantly the light conditions need to be very good.

I always shoot in Aperture priority and let the camera choose the shutter speed to suit, here are a few of the photos I have taken so far.

From top to bottom: Long Tailed Tit, Common Tern, Mute Swans.

All photos taken with Nikon D70.


  1. Hello, Mike. I found you through Shirl as she and I correspond on our respective blogs.

    Along with help from my husband and our two young boys, I began a garden for wildlife 17 years ago.

    I began my blog exactly a year ago today. I'm writing the story of how we created the garden for wildlife.

    As I've been a member of the RSPB and WWF for over 40 years now I have enjoyed reading your blog and looking at your superb photos of wildlife. Thanks for sharing :)

  2. Good flight shots. I really like the long-tailed Tit.
