Saturday, 2 February 2008

Bird Count

Sorry if the photos of Goldfinches and Siskins are getting a bit boring, but they are the only birds that are on the feeders in great numbers, I think theres that many of them everything else is staying away.

Apart from a group of Collared Doves which are a bit of a pain.

I decided anyway has I missed the Great Garden bird count last weekend I would do it this weekend just so I have a record for next year.

The count I got is as follows:

Collared Doves x 6 no
Great Tits x 2 no
Blue Tits x 2 no
Chaffinch x 3 no
Robin x 1 no
Dunnock x 1 no
Siskins x 8+ no
Goldfinches x 12+ no

Hopefully I will be taking part in the next official count, but at least I will now have something to compare against.

The only shame was about 10 mins after my hour was up I had a Greater Spotted Woodpecker on the feeders, but that the way it goes I suppose.


  1. Mike, You are being awfully gracious when you praise our bird photos. I cringe at the thought of you even looking at our photos. Maybe one day we will get as good at photographing as you are.

    We do love our birds as much as you do though. :)

    Lisa at Greenbow

  2. P. S. Lets see a picture of that GS woodpecker. It sounds tremendous.
