Sunday, 8 June 2008

Mere Sands morning

Took a drive this morning to Mere Sands Wood, making the most of the nice weather after being stuck in all week.

The first shot is a Canada goose you can just make out its young behind him, I think there was 4 babies.

2nd shot is a Jay, sadly it was just a little too far away to get the detail of the bird I would have liked.3rd shot is a Nuthatch who was catching 40 winks in the heat and the 4th shot is a Great Tit.

Finally I will have to leave the ID to the experts, but I just liked the way it looked, I didn't have my macro lens with me so I took this at 500mm and I'm quite pleased with it.

All photos taken 08/06/2008, hope you like the photos.


  1. Wonderful bird shots! That jay is interesting...with just the little touch of blue on the wings. So different from what I see. The butterfly shot is great! It looks like it is on its own little runway readying for take-off.

  2. That Canada Goose looks quite serious. I imagine he was too since he was protecting his brood.

    I would love to see a closeup of the jay. His feathers in his wing are very interesing.

    Nice shot of the butterfly too.

  3. The butterfly is a speckled wood, quite a feet to get a shot with your 500mm. I like the nuthatch shot, not an easy bird to see these days.

  4. Beautiful pictures! I love seeing all the different birds you have there. I'm not good with identifying butterflies, but it's very pretty.

  5. Thanks everyone and thanks for the ID John I knew someone would know.
