Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Same drive different birds

I decided to take the drive again this time going from the Southport end of Plex Moss heading back towards home.

There was still around 20-30 Curlew in the same field as last night, only too far away to get any pics this time, I did manage to snap the Oyster Catcher below, there was two of them together digging in the mud.

Then to my surprise I managed to photograph a pair of Red Legged Partridge, this is the first time they haven't flown off when I open the car window, as much as I love watching them fly off which is quite comical I was happy they stayed still for a while.

I have been wanting to photograph these birds for a while.

All photos taken 22/04/2008.


  1. What a wonderful name; a Red-legged Partridge. I find it so enjoyable to see photos of species I am not familiar with. The photos are great, even better than its name, with beautiful colour and such sharp detail.

  2. I just love oyster catchers. They almost look like clowns the way they are colored around their eyes and those large red bills.

    The Red-legged Partridge is gorgeous. I bet they are difficult to find and photograph. Great photos.

  3. That Partridge is such a beautiful bird. Wonderful photos you have here today. I love you work.

  4. Enjoyed your images - the partridges are wonderful!

  5. Hi Mike,

    Well done, getting great RL Partridge images. I am still trying to sneak up on them without much success.

  6. I love those fat little partridges! They somehow don't look "real"....but like grey balls with feathers painted on them. I felt the same way about Gambel's quail when I was in Arizona. I bet they are fun to watch move around. What great pictures.
